☘️☘️Lá Fhéile Pádraig ☘️☘️ Full Album
☘️ Tháinig slua iontach ónár n-imreoirí óga, cóitseálaithe agus teaghlaigh a rinne ionadaíocht ar CLG Átha Troim sa pharáid.
A great turnout from our young players, Coaches and Families representing CLG Átha Troim in the parade
☘️It showcased the spirit and unity of our club, bringing together the community to honour our shared heritage and passion for Gaelic games.
☘️ Ceiliúradh ar ár gClub, Pobal agus Cultúr. A celebration of our Club, Community and Culture
☘️ Tháinig slua iontach ónár n-imreoirí óga, cóitseálaithe agus teaghlaigh a rinne ionadaíocht ar CLG Átha Troim sa pharáid.
A great turnout from our young players, Coaches and Families representing CLG Átha Troim in the parade
☘️It showcased the spirit and unity of our club, bringing together the community to honour our shared heritage and passion for Gaelic games.
☘️ Ceiliúradh ar ár gClub, Pobal agus Cultúr. A celebration of our Club, Community and Culture